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Hopped On Pops

Carradice Christmas Chronicles

Triumph Over Grief


Plus Shipping $4.95


Rainbow Cuddlings


Jamaican Mi Seh Mi ABC'S



Click button below for promotional preview of Author, Valrie Kemp-Davis children's book under the Carradice Collection.


The Sweater/Grammy Bertha's AKA Baton


Young Carradice’s mother and grandmother are loyal and committed women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. So it’s not surprising that Carradice dreams of becoming an AKA too. Not only that… she can’t wait until her mother passes Grammy Bertha’s beautiful salmon pink and apple green sweater over to her. The problem is that Carradice wants it NOW and doesn’t understand why she has to wait to receive it or the concept of earning it!

Sometimes she sneaks the sweater out of her mom’s dresser so she can play dress up and pretend to be AKA’s Next Top Model. Those happy colors and soft fabric always makes her feel extra special and oh so pretty!  Practicing stepping and strolling in the mirror is one of her favorite pastimes. Carradice thinks she’s got the gist of what it means to be a “Saw Raw” until she gets properly schooled by her Grammy. 

By the conclusion of this serious matter, Carradice along with the reader comes to understand how this great Sorority has purposely become a significantly intricate and woven fabric of our society that embraces, educates, nurtures and gives warmth to the world. And furthermore, through this sisterhood, its preparation of our daughters and sons alike through education, frienship, faith, service and integrity is the baton that is to be passed on to others for generations to come! That is the true legacy of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,Inc.


Click button below for promotional preview of Author, Valrie Kemp-Davis children's book under the Carradice Collection.



I Love My ABC Single

Zion & Kali Ranks    

I love my ABC by Zion featuring Kali Ranks and produced by Tamo Music Production is the companion song to Jamaican Mi Seh Mi Abcs by Valrie Kemp-Davis. Now available via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon,DEEZER and Spotify. Get yours by downloading now. S…

I love my ABC by Zion featuring Kali Ranks and produced by Tamo Music Production is the companion song to Jamaican Mi Seh Mi Abcs by Valrie Kemp-Davis. Now available via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon,DEEZER and Spotify. Get yours by downloading now.
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